Friday, February 14, 2014

Be Mine, Valentine.

I am sort of a last minute kind of girl.  With everything.  There is just something about that eleventh hour pressure that gets my creative juices flowing.  Sometimes, I wait just a little too long and I regret it.  But most times, it just works out.  That was the case with this Valentine's Day.  I had been trying to think of a cute Valentine card idea for Max's little buddies at school, his cousins and his grandparents.  I thought that I couldn't possibly beat last year's.  I had some ideas along the way but most were too lofty and quite honestly, too much work. As I was getting ready for school on Tuesday morning, I glanced at my Sweet Home banner above our bed and had my a-ha moment.  Mini-bunting banners.  Mother Nature was on my side with yesterday's snow day and I spent the time off making the adorable valentines.  Max helped out along the way with a much needed snack of home-made popcorn and hot chocolate.  That gave us both just enough energy to make some delicious peanut butter cookies to give with the cards.  I always thought that when I became an adult, I would be better at getting things done in a more timely manner.  And with some things, I do.  But my best ideas, the ones of which I am most proud, are born in that eleventh hour, when the pressure is on and I am completely honest with myself as to what I am capable of and what I truly enjoy doing.  

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